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講義概要/Course Information |
科目基礎情報/General Information |
授業科目名 /Course title (Japanese) |
物理工学特論(H27年度以前入学生) | ||
英文授業科目名 /Course title (English) |
Advanced Engineering Physics | ||
開講年度 /Academic year |
2017年度 | 開講年次 /Year offered |
全学年 |
開講学期 /Semester(s) offered |
前学期 | 開講コース・課程 /Faculty offering the course |
博士前期課程、博士後期課程 |
授業の方法 /Teaching method |
講義 | 単位数 /Credits |
2 |
科目区分 /Category |
大学院専門教育科目 - 専門展開科目 | ||
開講類・専攻 /Cluster/Department |
先進理工学専攻 | ||
担当教員名 /Lecturer(s) |
森下 亨 | ||
居室 /Office |
N/A | ||
公開E-mail |
N/A | ||
授業関連Webページ /Course website |
N/A | ||
更新日 /Last update |
2017/03/13 12:02:24 | 更新状況 /Update status |
公開中 /now open to public |
講義情報/Course Description |
主題および 達成目標(2,000文字以内) /Themes and goals(up to 2,000 letters) |
The aim of this lecture course is to outline the basics of condensed matter physics. the light-matter interaction, and optical spectroscopy. The main specific objectives are as follows: – to describe the translational symmetry in crystal lattices; – to give an overview of basic approximations used to obtain the spectrum of solids; – to outline the band structure of solids and vibrational properties; – to provide the basics of light-matter interaction and spectroscopy. |
前もって履修 しておくべき科目(1,000文字以内) /Prerequisites(up to 1,000 letters) |
特になし |
前もって履修しておくこ とが望ましい科目(1,000文字以内) /Recommended prerequisites and preparation(up to 1,000 letters) |
特になし |
教科書等(1,000文字以内) /Course textbooks and materials(up to 1,000 letters) |
特になし |
授業内容と その進め方(2,000文字以内) /Course outline and weekly schedule(up to 2,000 letters) |
英語ベースIにより講義を実施 Lecture course in English 1. Periodic structures (~ 1 lecture) 2. Types of solids (~ 1 lecture) 3. Main approaches applied for calculation of electronic spectrum in solids (~4 lectures) The band structure of solids in the approximation of weakly bound electrons – 1D and 3D cases. Close coupling method (linear combination of atomic orbitals). Orthoganalized waves. Pseudo-wave equation. Why does the model of weakly bound electrons (qualitatively) works? Empiric and ab-initio pseudopotential method. Kp -method and effective mass. 4. Vibrational properties of atoms and electron-phonon interaction (~ 3 lectures) Hamiltonian describing the motion of ions (adiabatic approximation). Phonons in a perturbed lattice - classical treatment of the problem. Electron-phonon coupling. The absorption and reflection of light near the lattice resonances. Quantum size effects for electrons and phonons in semiconductor nanostructures. Boundary conditions for electron (holes) localized in quantum well. 5. Basics of the light-matter interaction treated for the single-electron (~ 4 lectures) Maxwell equations in a medium. Linear response of electrons to a periodic perturbation. Dielectric function of metals. Microscopic description of absorption and reflection of light in a semiconductor (dielectric). 6. Some phenomena beyond the single-electron approximation (~ 3 lectures) Various quasi-particles in solid state physics, arising due to the separation of the “main” part and “perturbation” part in the sectional hamiltonian of a solid state: Exciton, polaron, polariton, plasmaron, trion, cooper pair, etc. Correlated state of electron and hole: Wannier and Frenkel excitons. Mott transition for a system of excitons. Cooper pair. 7. Some types of optical spectroscopy (~ 1 lectures) |
実務経験を活かした 授業内容 (実務経験内容も含む) /Course content utilizing practical experience |
成績評価方法 および評価基準 (最低達成基準を含む) (1,000文字以内) /Evaluation and grading (up to 1,000 letters) |
レポートを課す |
オフィスアワー: 授業相談(1,000文字以内) /Office hours(up to 1,000 letters) |
授業終了後 |
学生へのメッセージ(1,000文字以内) /Message for students(up to 1,000 letters) |
モスクワ物理工科大とレベデフ研究所の Vladimir Krivobok 先生による集中講義です。今年度は、固体の電子構造と分光法について総合的に講義をしていただきます。授業は英語でおこなわれます。貴重な機会ですので、是非、履修してください。 |
その他 /Others |
特になし |
キーワード /Keywords |
Spectroscopy, Solid state physics |